Events leading to the creation of anti-terrorism laws
11th September 2001: Terror attacks in U.S, leaving thousands dead and world trade centre destroyed.
12th October 2002: Bali bombings, 202 people died from a bombing in Kuta an Indonesian island. A radical Islamic group know as Jemaah Islamiyah.
11th March 2004: Madrid bombings, this was a bombing of 4 commuter trains killing approximately 191 people and injuring another 1,800.
7th-21st July 2005: London bombings, on the 7th suicide bombers killed 52 people and injured 700+ and on 21st 4 explosions on London underground and bus however these attacks failed as the bombs didn 't work.
1st October 2005: Second Bali bombings, Jimbaran and Kuta were hit killing 20 people and injuring 129 others by suicide bombers, Jemaah Islamiyah was blamed again.
Evidence which linked Dr Haneef to the attacks
Family relationships: Dr Haneef had distance family relations of the 2 suspects of the terrorist attacks.
Sim card: A sim card was found in Sabeel Ahmed flat (brother of the suicide bomber who drove the car into the airport.) this sim card was registered in Dr Haneef name, it is alleged to be left there when in 2006 Dr Haneef had departed UK.
One way ticket: Right after the "Glasgow attacks" Dr Haneef had a one-way ticket to Bangalore India. It was alleged that he was guilty and trying to flee the country in the police perception.
Shared flat: It was presumed that Dr Haneef and Sabeel Ahmed had lived together in the same flat while the Dr was in the UK. However the police had failed to recognise that Dr Haneef had left the apartment before Sabeel had moved in.
Contact with suspects: It was alleged that the Dr had contact continuously with the suspects of the bombing incident; however this was later proven false.
Brief overview of the case
30th June
Bibliography: Huxley, A. (n.d.). Quotes on terrorism. Retrieved September 5, 2012, from HCI: QC, T. H. (2008, May 16). Clarke Inquiry into the case of Dr Mohammed Haneef. Retrieved September 6, 2012, from Lawcouncil: [1] Huxley, A. (n.d.). Quotes on terrorism. Retrieved September 5, 2012, from HCI: