Mr Virdhee
Each of your homework projects this year will follow the theme of change and progress. In this first independent study project you will study between 1750 and 1900. You will also be asked to assess whether that change represents progress. You will be given a National Curriculum Level for this project. The Key concepts and processes you will be assessed on are: 1.4 - Analysing and explaining the reasons for, and results of, historical events, situations and changes 2.1— Being able to investigate specific historical questions, make and test hypotheses about the past and reflect critically on historical questions or issues. 2.2— select and use a range of historical sources to support an argument 2.3— Being able to communicate your knowledge and understanding of history in a variety of ways, using chronological conventions and historical vocabulary. You will be expected to follow the work set at the appropriate weeks—your teacher will indicate in class when you should be completing the next task. The dates indicate the minimum you must have achieved by that time, but as part of the independent study you may work at a faster pace than this if you wish. You are not expected to hand this work in each week, but your teacher may at any time request to see what you have done, with appropriate sanctions if the minimum standard has not been reached.
Hand in date is your history lesson of the week beginning December 14. This is not negotiable apart from in exceptional circumstances.
Homework 1 and 2 — What was life like in the East End?
London in the 1800s was described as a city of “Two nations”, with a huge gulf between the lives of the poor in the East End and that of the more affluent in the West End. Visit the following websites and discover how Henry Mayhew and Charles Booth described the city and the people who lived and died in the East End of London. After you have done this, visit the