Complexity: Basically, as such there is not much complexity with in an individual store of Mrs. Fields’ cookies, as the organizational structure is flat, but spatial differentiation is definitely there as the location of an organization’s facilities are personal are dispersed geographically. It is mention in the case that Mrs. Fields Cookies is operating in 37 states the location of the organization is geographically dispersed and giving rise to complexity. Formalization: Each store is equipped with information system which guide unskilled and inexperienced employees how many batches of cookies dough to make and when to make in order to meet the demand of their customers and minimize leftover. The other positive point of Mrs. Fields Cookies is that it is cost effective too because as they do not have the training program for the managers, all the decisions are made by system and everybody have to follow it.
Centralization: All stores are owned by Randy and Debbi and run from headquarter so it is centralized. Store managers are stuck to follow the instructions as their computers are linked to the headquarters and the owner has almost instant access that how things are going on at every store which clearly indicates tight control.
Q.2) Do management information system such as the one at Mrs. Field’s, alter the conclusion that large size leads to increase vertical differentiation, formalization and decentralization? Discuss.
Yes to certain level MIS alter the statement that large organization leads to increased vertical differentiation because in Mrs. Fields Cookies all decisions are taken by the system and everything is done according to its guideline. Hiring the employees is also done by the system so; they don’t need the HR department or the product department because what to produce, how to produce and how much to produce is also decide by the system.