
Mrs. Hurston Character Analysis

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Mrs. Hurston Character Analysis
Hurston creates the character Mrs. Hurston to display what Janie could have turned out to be if not for Janie’s kind personality. Mrs. Turner is a part black women, with a “slightly pointed” nose, “thin lips” (140). These physical characteristics is what sets her apart from the other black people, the same can be said about Janie’s hair. However, Janie does not feel much different from the people with completely black heritage because it is not important to her. Instead Janie focuses on each person’s personality. Mrs. Turner explains her deep seated dislike of black people to Janie while sitting down for coffee, “dey makes me tired... Dey laughs too much and dey laughs too loud... De black ones is holdin’ us back” (141). Mrs. Turner groups

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