This short story is set during the late nineteenth century. The setting in which this work is taking place gives the reader the idea that Mrs. Mallard was stereotypically known as a week and emotional woman. Women during the 19th century spent most of their day at home, while men would be the ones that typically worked and went out to fulfill financial needs for a family. The reader can infer that even though Mrs. Mallards marriage was like an ordinary marriage of the time, she felt as if she was being forced to feel satisfied. …show more content…
Mallard sat with paralyzed inability to accept its significance. Her initial response, as “she wept at once” upon hearing about her husbands death seemed ordinary. However, just as she entered her room, she stood infront of her bedrooms open window. A reader would normally think that Mrs.Mallard is contemplating on how she would life as widow without her beloved. However, Mrs. Mallarad surprinsingly sinks herself onto the nearby “comfortable roomy armchair” and silently whispers “Free, Free, Free”. Her silent whispers was only one of the myriad of signs that gave the indication that Mrs. Mallard weas in an unhappy marriage. Even though she admits to her self that he, himself, was not a bad husband and she even loved him sometimes, she concludes her thoughts by claiming that she often did not even have such deep feelings towards