The class was split off into groups to participate in different “stations” that would rotate throughout the week. Much to my dismay, my group was placed on a station by the metal cabinets with chunky cardboard books. These books were way too rudimentary, for a “sophisticated” mind like mine. I was so disappointed in being placed in the worse station of them all that I completely zoned out when Ms. Wood explained the directions. I was too scared of Ms. Wood’s disappointment to ask her to repeat the instructions, so instead I decided to just follow along. I picked up a book and became …show more content…
Ms. Wood was not disappointed that I did not stick to the structure of the station, but rather was delighted that I had rethought the purpose of the station. By the end of the school year Ms. Wood had a large collage of photographs hanging on the wall of students with their rhyming word lists.
During both learning and teaching karate, questions have been very important. One of the things that I find most compelling is that every movement and stance has a purpose. Asking questions allows me to further understand why each movement is necessary. I had a million questions when I first started karate and I still have a million questions today.
I was terrified when my Sensei (teacher) retired and I was asked by the new Sensei to help teach classes. Up to that point, whenever I had questions I would ask my Sensei, now I would not only have to answer those questions for myself, but also answer the questions of the students. To my surprise, teaching karate has been such a blessing to me because of the questions that the students ask me. It is beautiful to see the passion and determination in a student’s face as they think hard about what they are doing and then ask questions. Is my foot suppose to be like this? Why do you turn that way? Their questions often surprise me and are things that I have never thought about before. I do not always have good answers, but I am now able to process what I have learned to find answer that makes