Title: Started: Submitted: Time spent: Midterm Exam March 14, 2011 1:11 PM March 14, 2011 3:40 PM 02:28:35 Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 100
Total score: 99/100 = 99% Done 1-5 True/False Questions 1. MT T/F Q1
The break-even point is the volume that equates total revenue with total cost and profit is zero. Student Response True Score: 2/2 Value 100% Correct Answer True
MT T/F Q2 Random variations component in a regression model are movements that are not predictable. Student Response True Score: 2/2 Value 100% Correct Answer True
MT T/F Q3 Regression methods attempt to develop a mathematical relationship between the item being forecasted and factors that cause it to behave the way it does. Student Response True Score: 2/2 Value 100% Correct Answer True
MT T/F Q4 When we are attempting to make a business decision, the decision criteria should always be to minimize cost. Student Response False Score: 2/2 Value 100% Correct Answer False
MT T/F Q5 Excel does allow calculations within formulas. Student Response True Score: 2/2 Value 100% Correct Answer True
6-10 Multiple Choice Questions 6. MT MC Q1 An increase in price with everything else remaining constant Student Value Response Correct Answer Feedback
A. decreases 100% the breakeven point B. keeps the breakeven point at the same level C. does not affect the level of the breakeven point D. raises the breakeven point Score: 3/3
MT MC Q2 Consider 3 forecasting methods. Method A has a MAD of 10.5; Method B has a MAD of 13.6; and method C has a MAD of 9.7. Which method should be chosen for the greatest accuracy? Student Value Response A. It depends on which value of alpha is selected. B. Method A C. Method C D. Method B Score: 3/3 100% Correct Answer Feedback
MT MC Q3 A performance measure, such as MSE, on past data for a forecasting technique can not be used to determine Student Response A. input parameter