B. The majority of the key player’s roles were appropriate at the time but some modifications would have better positioned MSCC in their IS needs. a. Jeff Hedges- role was not an appropriate one since he did not have much computer background and was already in charge of the Public Finance. i. He did not have time to take care of the growing computer operations as he was too occupied with the finance division. ii. Hedges role should be modified by removing his Computer Operations responsibility and give this role to someone with a better understanding and interest of the organization’s operations. b. Leon Lassiter- since his division was generating the majority of financial growth of the organization had a better understanding of the demand for a better system to meet the demands of MSCC. iii. His involvement made him more aware of financial risk if an upgrade was not done in a timely manner. iv. Lassiter would be a better candidate than (Hedges) to manage Computer Operations, since he understands the core operation of MSCC and has the initiative to meet the demands of a better IS.
2. Focus on the role of the software vendor— UNI-TRAK Software Corporation. Was it an appropriate role? Did UNI-TRAK act responsibly? A. I believe their role was