1.)MAKE A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT! You will type your reflection in the copy.
2.) Rename the document: Name_Research Reflection_Date
3.) SHARE the document with Ms. Rodrigues
(arodrigues@leadps.org) AND with your research coach
4.) With your research team, work to complete your reflection, following the guidelines below. Ms. Rodrigues will be looking at your work as you type and giving feedback if/when necessary.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Paragraph #1: Background Information (3-4 sentences) 2pts
What is your research topic? What information were you looking for this week
(when you were working on your research log)? …show more content…
Our probing question (s) are…
During our research last week week, we were looking for information about…
Paragraph #2: Research Log Summary (6-8 sentences minimum) 7pts
1.What did you learn after looking through your sources?
2. What do you know now that you did not know before?
3. Were the sources you looked at helpful in answering your probing questions? 4. What were the most helpful/interesting articles that you read?
Paragraph #3: Looking Ahead (6-8 sentences minimum) 7 pts
After reading through the sources in your research log, and (if