The therapeutic alliance is a model of safe and trusting relationships. First, one must form a relationship and environment that is safe and built on trust and collaboration. Then, one must revise their personal expectations of MST and their therapist by being positive and looking past previous negative experiences. Finally, one must develop personal agency and be allowed to make decisions and have control in their therapy (Paradisopoulos et al. 2015). Theoretical codes. The term therapeutic alliance refers to the creation of a safe and trusting relationship between therapist and the youth. This relationship has been shown to be essential in MST, however, most of the responsibility lying in the hands of the therapist for creating a safe environment and sparking an honest relationship with the young person. Youths in Paradisopoulos's (2015) study said that the good relationship they formed with their therapist even led to them to improve their relationship and communication with their parents. The participants in this study cited their good relationship with their therapist as raising their self confidence, a trait they said really helped them feel confident enough to follow through with the whole MST treatment …show more content…
The second part is to remove the negative influences in your peer circle. Identifying and planning for a preferred future is the final factor and the one with the most steps. First, one must recognize what you are passionate about and decide which passion to pursue; this is all in order to form an identity. The second step is to move on from the past and to look ahead instead. The third step is to gain determination and to persevere in order to reach your goals. The final step is to continue to work on being a positive family. Positive peer relationships appear to be the most important aspect in reducing recidivism. In MST they reinvent the child's peer group. Being friends with this new friend group strengthened positive and prosocial values and goals and gave them a sense of belonging. Being in a group of similar people with similar goals and values also gave them a support system to keep up in their