Rachel’s family is a very important aspect of her life that she cherishes deeply. She grew up in a family of six and has tons of aunts, uncles, and cousins. All throughout her childhood, she went to a daycare that my grandmother owned. The daycare was located in the basement of her grandparent’s house and her mother and three aunts worked at the daycare. Rachel was with her family every single day. Country artists are constantly singing about their own family and how much their family means to them. Whether they are talking about how successful their grandparent’s marriage is or making jokes about their siblings, somehow the songs always seem to relate almost perfectly with Rachel’s own experiences and memories. The close familial bond country artists are constantly singing about never fails to bring her own personal memories to mind and make her realize just how special my family is to me.
Rachel’s mother tends to like to listen to funk as her main genre of music. This music grew on Rachel because it reminds her of times with her mother when they have bonded while