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Class 1st Year English Guess Paper Science
Important Questions:
Section A: Multiple Choice Question (MCQS)
Attempt all the questions from this section in the answer scripts. MCQS paper is to be returned to the invigilator after 20 minutes. Do not copy down the part question in your answer book. Write only the answer in full against the proper number of the question and its part. The code of your question paper must be mentioned in bold letters in the beginning.
Choose the correct answer for each from the given options:
1- The count of Monte Cristo disgraced the family of the count of Morcef by.
a. Published news in the books
b. Publishing news in the papers
c. Issuing a challenge
d.Killing his enemy
2-progress was written by:
a. St. john G. Ervine
b. J.H Walsh
c. Alexander Dumas
d. Prof.Henry Corrie
3- The duel was to be fought at:
a. Chamos Elyesses
b. Rue du helder
c. Bois de Vincennes
d. Marseilles
4-fourteen years is a large slice from a mans life.
Above dialogue was spoken by:
a. The count of Mountie Cristo
b. Albert
c. The count of Morcerf
d. Beauchamp
5-I donot suppose it would make her feel any worse than she is now
Above dialogue was spoken by:
a. Prof. Henry Corrie
b. Charlotte
c. Hannah
d. Tom Meldon
6- The central and principal organ of the U.N is.
a. The security Council
b. The General Assembly
c. The General Committee.
d. The Security Assembly
7- The scientist is more interested in