Even though there are ongoing research to decipher the human mind in hopes to
understand the way the mind works, we are no closer to understanding than when research first
began in my opinion. How many times do we find ourselves trying to understand strangers, even
our closest relatives, especially if they were faced with a situation in which the expected outcome
was far from being reached? How many times did we replay the situation over and over in our
heads with the outcome based on what we would have done, unable to understand why the other
person was not able to see the outcome the we do.
A name for being unable to understand others point of view or being unable to place
yourself in their shoes is called …show more content…
All samples are related to the inability to
understand or assume any perspective other than their own.
Peoples mindsets can influence the way they evaluate options and make choices (Bhanji
and Beer). An example of egocentrism is the article “Two Ways to Belong in America” by
Bharati Mukherjee. Which she describes as an embracing experience in which she would be
allow to form part of the community in which she lived and wanted to help by voting and making
whatever difference she was able to. While Mira felt that America was playing a manipulative
game, which she was ready to play.
Several studies show that in communication interactants tend to exhibit that “egocentric
bias”. An example like this is easy to relate to as there will be many people that will be able to
relate to those against it and there will also be many people relating to those who are pro-
immigration, in comparison to the example of Jenifer Tod, in which we might find it difficult to
rational the circumstances that would take us to make such a …show more content…
Although Bharati and Mira grew up under
the same household, with the same parents they still grew up to be very different from one
another. Let’s take a moment to consider all of those whom are standing on the other side of our
point of view and analyze how we can, make it easier for us to see their point of view. Do take in
mind that we don’t have to agree with their point of view all we are trying to do is find the
important points in their argument to find a middle point in which we can agree and work with if
necessary. Many will find it easy, while others will have a hard time finding that middle point in
which a similar point of view can be achieve.
Psychologist have repeatedly shown that “activating or “priming” a knowledge structure
in one context can influence judgements in a separate, unrelated context. Once activate, a
knowledge structure can affect how one interprets subsequent ambiguous events to which the
primed construct relates. Conceptual priming involves activation concepts or mental
representation such as traits, value, norms, or goals that then serve as interpretive frames in