Week 7
Multi Choice Africa Innovation Strategy
MBA-Finance and Accounting University of Liverpool
Madalitso Emmanuel Chimwala
Student No: 15983942
(Main body words count: 2358)
Table of contents Executive Summary
Chapter 1 – Innovation Management Structure of MultiChoice Africa
Chapter 2 – A look at Lead User innovation, Open and Disruptive innovation
Chapter 3 – Innovation Strategy
Chapter 4 – Potential Challenges in Implementing Innovation strategy
Chapter 5 –Conclusions
Reference List
Executive Summary
This module project paper is part II of paper for week 4, in which I looked at MultiChoice Africa a company that provides TV entertainment and internet services in Africa. The first part of the paper looked at the organisational culture barriers and enablers of innovation. I also looked at some of the challenges the company faces. In this paper I will continue to address the challenges mentioned in the first paper namely; 1. Lack of management support for an innovation culture within the organisation 2. Lack of flexible schedule that encourage talented professionals to be motivated and aim for more innovations. 3. Absence of rewards and incentives to encourage and attract talented employees.
The paper has five chapters, in the first chapter we shall have a look at the strengths and weaknesses in innovation management structure for the organisation and also assess how MultiChoice Africa is sourcing new ideas, technologies and so on for its innovation and evaluate their effectiveness.
Chapter two focuses on how the company is using lead user concept in its innovation drive. The chapter also discusses how open the company responds to open innovation. At the end of chapter two I have looked at the potential disruptive innovation to different services the company is offering to its customers.
The third and fourth chapter focuses on the