Examine the potential impact that your background can have on your understanding of diverse individuals, Examine the potential impact that your background can have on encounters with diverse individual, Examine how your cultural background has impacted your views of the world, your behavior, and your values. This assignment as an African- American male is where I was exposed to the most diversity as it relates to socioeconomic status, gender, race, culture, ethnicity, age, ability, sexual orientation, familial structure, religion/spirituality, national origin, learning style, and appearance. During this assignment I got to listen too many different students talk about their heritages some that I heard about before and some that I didn’t even knew existed. But it was during this assignment that I realize it not that some people don’t care about other races it just that for a majority portion of their lives they haven’t been exposed to any other race then the one in their community in which they grew up in. the next assignment was a great way for students to be exposed into another era and experience another culture sufferings and pains. The era of the Black Panther …show more content…
But we had to compare the Black Panthers with more recent times the Black Lives Matter movement. After watching the PBS program I realized in comparison between the Black Panther to the Black Lives Matter Movement is that this generation lacks passion. During the civil right movements the era of the Black Panthers they weren’t afraid the voice their opinion event though it may cost them their lives now to fair it was harsher time back then. But they realize that the only way to change the outcome of their projected future was to enrich their community in any way they can because the children our future. If look at this generation (I acknowledge that I apart of the problem) all we care about is materialistic things. Keep in mind that the majority of the kids in the Black Panther Party were between the age of the 17- 22. If that generation can leave a mark a print on American history why this generation. The last assignment that guided me towards the course objective for the first half of this semester what the Black Like Me