Sexual orientation, gender, race and age have obviously made an impact and influenced multiple organizations. In the two jobs that i've had at County Market and Consolidated Communications at both I received a handbook in the handbook it covers just about any type of controversial situation you can think of whether that situation be replayed to gender, race, age or sexual orientation. The fact that a corporate company feels the need to mention and add this information within the employee handbook whether that be to incorporate a safety for employees or just because it's ethically right it shows that those social issues do play a role and influence organizations …show more content…
In my opinion in a perfect world yes we could but unforuntatly we live in a world today where most people are incapable of ignoring differences. However I do feel most organizations are trying to formulate this idea of a diverse multicultural organization in part possibly because they play the "neutral" game in order to keep everyone involved happy. However I personally feel that the honest reason why more organizations might be leaning toward these ideals are because they are moving along with the culture that is placed around them. I say this in part because companies can not flourish by not sticking with the times the same thing applies for the social culture that is based around