You can’t avoid the fact that diversity has played a major role in shaping our country. An example of this would come from the Quebec Act of 1774 which recognized the French language, Roman Catholic faith, and the French civil law in Quebec . However, Aboriginal peoples did not enjoy the same rights. What helped settle the West and build the trans-Canada railway, were our immigrants; but we can’t ignore the fact that they were subjected to prejudicial treatment. Unfortunately, diversity issues will continue to be a situation …show more content…
There’s family class, economic class, and refugee class. In 1967, it was revised tremendously, removing racial and nationality based discrimination from the application process.
Diversity and multiculturalism are not identical, though some may think they are. Multiculturalism mean different things to different people. Most people believe multiculturalism to be policies designed to promote or accommodate ethnic, cultural, or religious diversity. Diversity, however, is not a policy but a facts of life in Canada. Our diversity includes geography, our languages, our cultures, gender, politics is huge, our life styles, our religious beliefs, economic status, abilities, interests, and simply our connection to the rest of the …show more content…
A major factor encouraging change would be our connections to a globalized world. We use communication technology, mobility and immigration. All three of these work together to make the world a much smaller place. This presents Canada with a tremendous opportunity to relate to one another and, the bottom line, the rest of the world. Many outside Canada view our country as a place accommodating diversity and greatly promoting multiculturalism. As of today, one would agree that statement is true. Canada’s multiculturalism and diversity is a source of pride for the majority of Canadians. However, racism is still persistent in Canada. Our Aboriginal peoples continue to experience health, education, economic and development outcomes a lot lower than Canadians. Also, many immigrants are unable to have their foreign credentials recognized. Some people think we are doing enough to preserve our Canadian identity, whereas other seem to think we are on the right path and are on balance. Though some believe that increasing and promoting diversity within our country poses great challenges. They believe that some of the multicultural groups are importing their conflicts starting within their homeland, which would ultimately negatively influence our Canadian government. This ultimately comes down to what Canada aspires to be within our country and abroad. Canada must adapt to the constant