The Dock
The Dock is the toolbar at the bottom or side of your desktop that has a lot of important links and tools to help you use your Macintosh computer. The Dock displays visual representations of programs and files; for example, the calendar icon looks like a desk calendar, and the trash looks like a garbage can. You can customize the Dock to hold applications you want to use regularly.
The Finder
The Finder is the Mac equivalent of Windows Explorer and Search, all rolled into one. The Finder is pretty self-explanatory. A directory tree appears in the left column of the Finder window, and the contents of the selected directory display in the right window pane. You can double-click folders to view contents. Pressing the Back button to backs out of a folder or directory.
The Menu Bar
The Menu Bar at the top of the screen is your key to interacting with most applications. Many application functions live on the Menu Bar under various headings. When text on the Menu Bar is black, you can select it and perform those functions. When text is gray, those functions aren't currently available. The Menu Bar changes depending on what application you're using, so familiarize yourself with the different commands available with different applications.
Quitting and Minimizing Programs
The red button in the upper-left corner of a given window or application is the Close command, while the yellow button means minimize. Just because you close a window doesn't mean the application is closed; to quit most applications, you must select the Quit command from the application menu. You can also press the Apple button and the Q button on your keyboard simultaneously to quit an application.
By using some simple keyboard shortcuts you can learn how to work much faster. For instance, if you are writing a text and have to do something with the mouse – perhaps there is a keyboard command that can perform the same thing? Using that