It can be easy to get interest groups, coalitions, and political parties mixed up because of how relatively similar they are. Interest groups are are organizations that try to influence government decisions.They encourage their members to become active in political activities such as voting, working for candidates, contacting their congressmen, and testifying before legislative committies. They differ from political partis because they …show more content…
Some aspects that decreased political parties’ power include the reform movement, weakening party loyalty, and changes in the way candidates’ campaign. The reform movement started having an effect on the parties’ power by providing legislation that stopped political machines, which were organizations that provided personal benefits to people in exchange for political support. Party loyalty also had its role. People became more likely to split their voting tickets rather than vote entirely from one party. The number of people who identify as independents has also increased. The way that candidates’ campaign has also weakened political parties. Before modern communication technology such as television or internet came about, candidates were dependent upon political parties to help spread their messages across large groups of people. Now, they are less dependent upon political parties to