sufficient classified validity, shown is lower relative median links between scores on the MMPI-II-RF utilitarian scale sets and standard methods. The limits and impending layouts are deliberated in this article.
In the past twenty-years mental health professionals and researches have noticed there has been a rise in the use of on-campus counseling centers for problems that reach far beyond developmental issues. These issues are caused by dual diagnoses. With mental health issues being on the incline at college campuses the ability for professionals to accurately measure and confront the issues involved are of immense significance. The behavioral, emotional, and social issues in these numerous mental disorders are what are being measured. The scales of the MMPI-2-RF comprise over 40 essential scales consisting of Higher Order (H-O), Restructured Clinical (RC), revised Personality-Psychopathology-Five (PSY-5-r), Specific Problems, and Interest scales (Handel, 2010).
The MMPI is a 338 true/false item, self-report inventory that assesses an individual’s characteristics across a number of domains i.e., personality, psychopathology, and social/behavioral functioning (Handel, 2010). There were numerous restrictions in this study. The measurements of principles utilized were not extensive to the extent of evaluating each of the varying theories evaluated by the many Specific Problems and Interest scale sets. Another issue, the Bem Sex Role Inventory Feminine and Masculine scale results did not correlate to the hypothesized MMPI-2-RF scale scores at the designated standard inferential. Measures completed in the future should evaluate methods to test validity of multiple and varied Specific Problems scales in addition to Interest scales identified on the MMPI-II-RF.