51. Which language is not a true object-oriented programming language? a.) VB.NET b.) VB 6 c.) C++ d.) C# e.) Java
Answer: b Level: Easy Section: 6-1 Page: 107
52. A GUI: a.) uses buttons, menus, and icons. b.) should be easy for a user to manipulate. c.) stands for Graphic Use Interaction. d.) Both a and b. e.) All of the above.
Answer: d Level: Moderate Section: 6-1 Page: 106
53. Visual Studio .NET provides which feature: a.) debugging. b.) application deployment. c.) syntax checking. d.) Both a and b. e.) All of the above.
Answer: e Level: Easy Section: 6-2 Page: 107
54. What does IDE stand for? a.) Integrated Development Environment b.) Integrated Design Environment c.) Interior Development Environment d.) Interior Design Environment e.) None of the above.
Answer: a Level: Moderate Section: 6-2 Page: 107
55. Which type of project can a developer choose in the New Project dialog box? a.) Visual Basic Projects b.) Visual C# Projects c.) Visual C++ Projects d.) Both a and b. e.) All of the above.
Answer: e Level: Easy Section: 6-2 Page: 108
56. Which is not a main component of the Visual Studio IDE? a.) Solution Explorer b.) Tool Box c.) Start Menu d.) Designer Window e.) Properties Window
Answer: c Level: Easy Section: 6-2 Page: 110
57. Which does the solution explorer not display? a.) Form Properties b.) Reference Folder c.) Form File d.) Assemble File e.) All are part of the solution explorer.
Answer: a Level: Easy Section: 6-2 Page: 111
58. Which is true about the name and text property of a control? a.) They are the same when the control