1. According to your text, what two issues lay at the heart of Reconstruction?
A. whether the federal or state government was ultimately sovereign, and whether African Americans or Native Americans were the most oppressed minority group
B. which party would gain the ascendancy, and how the government could regulate the economy
C. the future of political and economic power for African Americans, and the future of North-South economic and political relations
D. rebuilding the North's shattered economy, and restoring the South's shattered society
2. During the war, congressional leaders felt that Lincoln's plan ________, so they passed ________.
A. would cost them …show more content…
votes in the North; a program designed to attract white support in the South
B. ignored the reality of slavery; the Thirteenth Amendment over the president's objections
C. was too lenient; the more stringent Wade-Davis bill, which Lincoln vetoed
was acceptable; its essential provisions, but shifted primary responsibility to Congress 3. Both Lincoln's and Johnson's Reconstruction plans shared an intent to
A. provide economic assistance to former slaves.
B. punish the southern planter class for its rebellion.
C. liberally grant pardons to Confederate soldiers.
D. give Congress the final say in shaping the reconstruction process. 4. The Radical Republicans in Congress approached Reconstruction with each of the following convictions EXCEPT that
A. to heal the nation, the South should be treated with generosity and compassion.
B. to avoid any recurrence of southern resistance, the power of the planter class must be destroyed.
C. to complete the task of the war, slavery must be totally and irrevocably abolished.
D. to keep faith with the antislavery crusade, the rights of freedmen must be secured. 5. The southern response to war's end and Johnson's program of Reconstruction indicated
A. despair and defiance.
B. remorse and resolve to rebuild.
C. willingness to give an appearance of accommodation to northern desires.
D. grudging recognition that they had to repudiate their old-line Confederate leadership. 6. Under new president Andrew Johnson, presidential …show more content…
A. would implement a harsher program on the South than Lincoln had called for.
B. adhered substantially to the views of congressional leaders.
C. made it possible for former high-ranking Confederates to assume positions of power in the reconstructed southern governments.
D. was never implemented, because Congress passed its own program before Johnson's could go into effect. 7. Which of the following is NOT true about the Radical-dominated Reconstruction Congress?
The central focus of its program was to protect the civil rights of blacks.
B. It sought to build Republican party support in the South by winning the black vote and curtailing the power of the planter class.
C. Its influence grew when Johnson's vetoes drove moderates into the Radical camp.
D. Its influence waned when northern voters repudiated Radical congressmen at the polls in 1866. 8. The central issue that divided Johnson and congressional Radicals was
A. the future place of African Americans in U.S. society.
B. how to win votes for the Republican party in the south.
C. whether the power of the planter class should be broken.
D. whether federal troops should be stationed as an occupying force in southern states.
9. The North interpreted black codes as
A. evidence that the South sought to keep freedmen in an economically dependent and legally inferior status.
B. evidence that the South, by granting limited rights such as allowing jury service, was slowly accommodating to an improved status for former slaves.
C. a realistic solution by the South to the problems created by sudden emancipation.
D. a dangerous experiment by the South that could lead to social equality for blacks in the
North. 10. The southern governments, as initially reconstituted after the war, alarmed northern public opinion for all of the following reasons EXCEPT that
A. former Confederate leaders were elected to office.
B. they were blatantly corrupt and wasteful in spending tax dollars.
C. many refused to repudiate slavery or secession.
D. all enacted restrictive legal codes that granted minimal legal rights but kept freedmen in a second-class status.
11. What won the support of congressional moderates for the Radical program?
A. the behavior of southern Reconstruction governments
B. the persuasive actions of Radicals in rallying public opinion for their program
C. secret lobbying offering lucrative opportunities in a South occupied by northern troops
D. the president's uncompromising veto of a civil rights bill
12. Which of the following did the congressional Reconstruction program enacted 1866-1867 NOT provide for?
A. citizenship and suffrage for former slaves
B. a requirement that southern states ratify the Fourteenth Amendment before readmission
C. military occupation
D. a land reform measure that would grant small tracts of farmland to deserving freedmen
13. The Fifteenth Amendment
A. abolished slavery.
B. defined citizenship.
C. expanded suffrage.
D. officially ended Reconstruction.
14. Andrew Johnson narrowly avoided conviction on impeachment charges because
A. of his earlier cooperative attitude toward Congress.
B. Radical Republicans were beginning to support his policies.
C. some Republicans feared that removal would set a bad precedent for using impeachment as a political weapon against the presidency.
D. only a minority of the Senate voted to convict.
15. African Americans who held political office in southern Reconstruction governments generally
A. alienated whites by pushing for social equality and land reform.
B. were more radical in their views than the black population at large.
C. manipulated the Freedmen's Bureau to impose unequal labor contracts on white planters.
D. were educated professionals, independent landowners, or otherwise from the ranks of black elites.
16. What is true about southern economic redevelopment?
A. Northerners known as "scalawags" came south to exploit the South's economic vulnerability.
B. Republican-dominated Reconstruction governments sought to encourage southern industry.
C. Unlike the North, southern governments became notorious for corruption, which explains the skyrocketing public debt.
D. One success of the postwar South was in laying as much railroad track as the rest of the nation combined. 17. Which of the following was illumined by the text as a familial problem faced by some African Americans after they were freed?
A. switching from a matriarchal to patriarchal kinship
B. choosing new first names
C. having multiple spouses
D. keeping women working in the fields 18. After emancipation, the most important institutions for African Americans as they tried to establish their own independent family and community life were the
A. Freedmen's Bureau and the Supreme Court.
B. black-controlled state legislatures and the land reform program.
C. sharecropping system and the black codes.
D. schools and the churches. 19. In the years after the Civil War, many freedmen ended up working as
A. farmers on land they owned.
B. farmers under a sharecropper system.
C. wage laborers in the new textile mills.
D. itinerant day laborers in domestic and service jobs.
20. "Sharecropping" means
A. returning a fraction of the harvest to the landowner as rent.
B. planting two separate crops (e.g., cotton and beans) in the same field.
C. borrowing against a future crop in order to obtain seed.
D. organizing a farm as a corporation to gain tax advantages.
21. Most new textile workers in the South were
A. young, single, African American males.
B. young women.
C. poor and white.
D. middle-class whites. 22. What is the best explanation for why tenancy became widespread in the South?
A. Southern farmers preferred not to own land.
B. Blacks generally refused to leave the localities where they had lived all their lives.
C. A shortage of cash and credit made land ownership difficult.
D. It made cattle ranching more practical.
23. The text makes the point that southern rural folk sought stability and social order in
A. hunting.
B. drinking.
C. religion.
D. reform politics.
24. To what does the term "Jim Crow" refer?
A. a process by which freed slaves established new communities in Kansas
B. a Supreme Court case that declared legalized segregation constitutional
C. a system of legalized separation of blacks as socially inferior
D. a technique used by the Ku Klux Klan to intimidate rural African Americans in the South so they would not try to vote
25. Who were the Redeemers?
A. northern reformers who took over southern governments during Reconstruction
B. moderate border-state Republicans
C. white Democrats vowing to end Republican rule
D. non-partisan advocates of equal rights for freedmen
26. The earlier federal Indian policy of "concentration" (deemed a failure by the 1880s) sought to
A. limit the hunting grounds of many tribes.
B. bring all Indians together in a single nation.
C. promote tribal rather than individual land ownership.
D. surround hostile tribes with a strong U.S. army force in order to inflict military defeat.
27. What was the difference between the racial labor identities of California and Texas?
A. California had Asian Americans, where Texas did not.
B. California had the Latino culture, where Texas had the Mexicanos culture.
C. Texas had Anglos, where California did not.
D. Texas and California had identical racial labor identities.
28. The Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 proved destructive because it
A. prevented Indians from selling tribal lands.
B. attacked the communal structure of tribal life.
C. required different tribes to live together on the same reservation.
D. ignored the demands of sympathetic white reformers for a new Indian policy
29. Labor in the construction of the California section of the transcontinental railroad was supplied by
A. Irish workers.
B. Chinese workers.
C. Italian workers.
D. Mexican workers.
30. By 1887 Congress had become so alarmed at foreign ownership of western land that it enacted the
A. Homestead Act.
B. Alien Land Law.
C. Dawes Severalty Act.
D. America for Americans Law.
31. The text stresses that the late-1800s phase of industrialization brought about not only corporations of great size but also
A. new political reforms to break the power of those corporations.
B. powerful, all-inclusive labor unions.
C. new technologies produced by hard-working individual inventors.
D. a national network of complex systems of industry, invention, and information.
32. The first "big business" in America, at least in terms of finance, labor relations, and management, was the
A. oil refining industry.
B. telephone industry.
C. railroad industry.
D. steel industry.
33. What company did J. Pierpont Morgan create when he merged nine competing steel manufacturers into one?
A. United States Steel Corporation
B. Morgan Heavy Industries
C. Carnegie Steel Company
D. British Steel
34. From where did the bulk of the manpower come, to work in the many new factories?
A. from the rural areas of America
B. from southern and eastern Europe
C. both from the rural areas of America and Europe
D. None of these answers is correct.
35. The ________ was an essential system undergirding the rise of big business; it was itself big business; it was a cultural symbol of American industrialization; and it was a stimulus to other enterprises because it consumed so many natural resources.
A. railroad system
B. steel industry
C. investment banking industry
D. combination of national, state, and local governments
36. Which of the following, according to critics of industrial capitalism, was a "cost of doing business"?
A. rationalization of the economy
B. concentrated power
C. increased national wealth
D. tying the country together
37. Serving as financial advisers to railroads, the ________ often eventually found themselves taking control.
A. stockholders
B. Interstate Commerce Commission
C. investment bankers
D. robber barons
38. Which of the following, according to critics of industrial capitalism, was a "cost of doing business"?
A. rationalization of the economy
B. concentrated power
C. increased national wealth
D. tying the country together
39. Which of the following advocated what was referred to as "social Darwinism"?
A. Charles Darwin
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Henry George
D. Edward Bellamy
40. Who advocated what he called a "single tax"?
A. Herbert Spencer
B. Henry George
C. Edward Bellamy
D. Daniel De Leon
41. The American Federation of Labor was comparatively successful because it
A. allied with the socialists.
B. opened its ranks to women, blacks, and immigrants.
C. represented mostly unskilled labor.
D. stressed gradual, concrete gains for its members.
42. What statement about the workers' world of the 1880s and 1890s is true?
A. Farm workers still outnumbered industrial workers.
B. The industrial workplace increasingly called for skilled craftsmanship.
C. Each year, industrial mishaps injured over 500,000 workers.
D. On balance, the workers' lot entailed stagnant wages, rising prices, and longer working hours.
43. What does the text mean by asserting that certain jobs were "feminized"?
A. Lower-paying jobs tended to be held by more females than males.
B. Males tended to no longer pursue certain professional occupations once women entered them in significant numbers.
C. Enlightened managers in certain industries raised wages in response to women's protests.
D. Certain dangerous factories adopted new safety measures in response to protests by the wives of their male workers.
44. For ordinary workers to affect the industrial order, they had to develop their own kind of integrated system. Specifically, they had to pursue
A. socialism.
B. fraternal cooperation.
C. unionization.
D. individual stock ownership.
45. The ________ prescribed not only an economic system, but a Protestant moralistic social plan.
A. National Labor Union
B. Knights of Labor
C. American Federation of Labor
D. American Railway Union
46. Which statement about the American Federation of Labor is true?
A. The AFL, a combination of craft unions, stressed concrete, practical economic gains.
B. The AFL's approach to labor consolidation was the horizontal business model.
C. The AFL attracted a majority of U.S. skilled workers into its ranks.
D. The AFL's longtime leader was Eugene V. Debs.
47. Which is an accurate statement about demographic trends in the late nineteenth century?
A. Birth rates rose.
B. Death rates rose.
C. Immigration from western and northern Europe rose.
D. The proportion of Americans living in cities rose.
48. Which of the following statements about late nineteenth-and early twentieth-century immigrants is NOT true?
A. Most were young, between 15 and 40.
B. Most were skilled urban workers.
C. Most came from southern and eastern Europe.
D. Most settled in cities.
49. Which of the following statements about late nineteenth-and early twentieth-century immigrants is NOT true?
A. Most settled in ethnic communities centered on church life.
B. Most married later, but bore more children than the native-born.
C. Most were Protestants.
D. Most were surplus farm workers.
50. In late nineteenth-century American cities,
A. the wealthy lived at the core.
B. the poor were thrust to the outer fringes.
C. residential patterns reflected the mingling of economic classes.
D. the middle and upper classes lived in the newer outer suburbs.
51. Before the 1880s, most immigrants came from ________; after the 1880s, most immigrants came from ________.
A. the European continent; the British Isles
B. Ireland; Scandinavia
C. northern and western Europe; southern and eastern Europe
D. Europe; Latin America
52. What was the primary solution to the realization that cities could hardly survive, let alone grow, without improved transportation?
A. the horse-drawn trolley
B. the cable car
C. one-way streets
D. electric streetcars
53. The urban political machines stayed in power in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century because
A. they kept immigrants from getting jobs.
B. they supported the Democratic party, which dominated national politics.
C. no one exposed their corrupt practices.
D. they effectively provided needed services to the poorer city dwellers.
54. Which of the following is an accurate statement about the urban bosses?
A. They served the people of the city.
B. They exploited the people of the city.
C. They both served and exploited the people of the city.
D. None of these answers is correct.
55. A new experiment in providing social services to slum dwellers featured centers where middle-class women lived among the poor, provided amenities, and taught American ways to immigrants. These were called
A. Social Gospel centers.
B. vaudeville houses.
C. settlement houses.
D. rescue missions.
56. Which party tended to support a program of active federal support for economic growth, including high tariffs?
A. Democrats
B. Republicans
C. Both the Democrats and the Republicans tended to support a program of active federal support.
D. None of these answers is correct.
57. What was the "bloody shirt"?
A. a rhetorical symbol used by Republicans and Democrats to blame each other for the Civil War
B. a rhetorical symbol of Democrats that linked the Republicans to exploitative big business
C. a rhetorical symbol of Populists that linked the two major parties to the "crown of thorns" and "cross of gold"
D. a rhetorical symbol of civil service reformers that linked patronage-mongering politicians to the assassination of James Garfield
58. The first modern governmental reform law, the Pendleton Act of 1883 enacted in response to the assassination of President Garfield, provided for
A. a high protective tariff.
B. voting rights for blacks in the South.
C. civil service merit standards and procedures for government jobs.
D. the breakup of monopolistic business.
59. Farmer frustrations that fueled the rise of the People's party included all of the following EXCEPT
A. inflation.
B. debt.
C. the isolation and drudgery of farm life.
D. resentment against railroads and eastern banking interests.
60. In the years surrounding 1890, an innovative program of self-help spearheaded by the Southern Alliance movement flourished, though on the whole the effort, known as "________," failed.
A. granges
B. bimetallism
C. itinerant lecturer-organizers
D. cooperatives
61. The election of 1892 was especially significant because the
A. Democrats won both houses of Congress.
B. Republicans continued their long run of controlling the presidency.
C. Republicans won both houses of Congress.
D. government was once again divided, Republicans controlling the Senate and Democrats the House.
62. What is the best explanation of "free silver"?
A. The U.S. government would promote prosperity by inflating the money supply through minting all the silver offered to it.
B. The U.S. government would promote prosperity by distributing cash subsidies to the unemployed, paid for by recent mining bonanzas on public lands.
C. The U.S. government would support farmers by buying up surplus crops with silver coin ("lard money").
D. The U.S. government would support investors by allowing the purchase of silver on the open market.
62. Coxey's Army
A. rallied farmers of the West and South to the Populist cause.
B. descended on Washington to demand a program to employ the jobless.
C. broke the Homestead Strike.
D. volunteered for service overseas.
63. Above all, the depression of the 1890s demonstrated the
A. effectiveness of Populist protest.
B. weakness of the American economy in comparison with other parts of the world.
C. inability of the nation's political system to smooth out the economic cycle of boom and bust.
D. usefulness of the various federal programs enacted to help the unemployed.
64. As a result of the depression of 1893,
A. new attitudes toward poverty and government responsibility emerged.
B. the federal government adopted a silver standard of currency.
C. the Populists expanded their following to the urban working classes.
D. the Democrats and Republicans unified around strong leaders.
65. The Southwest had a distinct and complex development; just as the southern economy relied on the labor of African Americans, the Southwest grew on the labor of:
A. Mexicans.
B. Native Americans.
C. Chinese
D. Irish.
66. Former slaves who followed reports of better opportunities to the promised land of Kansas were nicknamed
A. Sojourners.
B. Exodusters.
C. Nicodemians.
D. Singletarians.
67. Who among the following would NOT promote efforts to reshape the environment in order to improve people’s lives?
A. John Dewey, educational theorist.
B. Madison Grant, eugenicist.
C. John B. Watson, psychologist.
D. Jane Addams, settlement house worker.
68. Which one of the following was NOT an important reason for American expansion in the 1890s?
A. a belief in the basic equality of all people and races
B. the need for coaling stations to supply a modern steel navy
C. the importance of foreign markets to continued economic growth
D. the belief in the superiority of Western culture
68. In the 1890’s, the U.S. acquired all of the following EXCEPT
A. the Philippine Islands
B. the Hawaiian Islands
C. the Virgin Islands
D. Puerto Rico
69. As a result of observing what the British had done with its naval fleet in the quarter-century prior to 1900, the U.S. Navy
A. was mothballed out of existence
B. was transformed into a modern, stream-driven institution
C. engaged in several wars with European rivals
D. shrank in size to its numbers since the days of Andrew Jackson
70. Which one of the following was NOT an important reason for American expansion in the 1890s?
A. a belief in the basic equality of all people and races
B. the need for coaling stations to supply a modern steel navy
C. the importance of foreign markets to continued economic growth
D. the belief in the superiority of Western culture
71. The navel battle for the Philippines took place
A. on the open sea.
B. in and around Manila bay.
C. under the cover of darkness.
D. in Santiago harbor.
72. In the 1890s, the U.S. acquired all of the following EXCEPT
A. the Philippine Islands.
B. the Hawaiian Islands.
C. the Virgin Islands.
D. Puerto Rico.
73. Which best explains America’s annexation of the Philippines
A. Dollars
B. Duty
C. Destiny
D. All of the above.
74. Who was responsible for the explosion of the USS Maine in l898?
A. Spain.
B. Cuban revolutionaries.
C. Cuban sugar growers.
D. None of the above.
75. President _______ had no reservations about annexing Hawaii
A. Glover Cleveland
B. William Harrison
C. William McKinley
D. Andrew Johnson
76. Among the elements making up the American ideology of imperialism, which does your text consider most compelling?
A. cultural superiority
B. racial paternalism
C. strategic advantage
D. commercial opportunity