Multiple Intelligence
Dr. Howard Gardner also the Professor of Education at Harvard University developed the theory of Multiple Intelligences in 1983 (Campbell 12). This principle is well known to most teachers. Although people disagree with his theory, Gardner believes that rather than a single intelligence, we acquire all seven intelligences in different amounts. All seven Gardner’s intelligences should be incorporated in every lesson, to include; linguistic, logical-mathematical, body kinesthetic, spatial, musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. Howard Gardner defines intelligences as “the biopsychological potential to process information that can be activated in a cultural setting to solve problems or create products that are of value in a culture” (Gardner 23). Gardner proposes seven different intelligences to account for a more broad range of human potential in children and adults (Gardner 24). Intelligences are things one can do, Such as figuring out strategies or skills. Intelligences are focused on how much, for instance high amounts of intelligence are preferable to low amounts. Intelligence is usually linked to a certain domain of content such as verbal or musical ability. The seven intelligences Gardner defined are: linguistic, logical-mathematical, body-kinesthetic, spatial, musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal (Steenhagen). Linguistic intelligence is defined as having a mastery of language. This intelligence includes the ability to effectively manipulate language to express oneself (Nolen). It also allows one to use language as a means to remember information (Steenhagen). Linguistic intelligence can be assessed by an IQ test and an ACT test (Helding). Characteristics of a linguistic student would be as follows: spells easily, memorizes easily, enjoys word games, and develop high level auditory skills. Linguistics is one of the two intelligences that schools and cultures focus on the most. Logical-Mathematical intelligence consists of the ability to detect
Cited: Context. Web. 9 Nov. 2011.
Dickinson, Dee. 1991. New Horizon for learning. Web. 9 November, 2011.
Gardner, Howard. Multiple Intelligences the Theory in Practice. USA: Basicbooks, 1993. Print.
Helding, Lynn. “Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences.” Journal of Singing 66.2
(2009): 193+
Nolen, Jennifer L. “Multiple intelligences in the classroom.” Education 124.0 (2003): 115+.
Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context
Ed. Nancy A. Piotrowski. Vol. 3 Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, 2010. 1246-1250. Gale
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