Multiple Intelligences (M.I) was a theory Howard Gardner developed in 1983. This is a theory of intelligences was a good way to explain the different ways that people learn. This theory explains how people learn and others learn in different ways. Intelligence is the ability to understand, learn and problem solve or creativity that are valued within one or more cultural settings”. Gardner found that there are eight intelligences and could possibly be more.
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Howard Gardner attended the University of Harvard, he was originally going to study history. After he attended a year at London school of economics. He started Harvard’s developmental psychology doctoral program in 1966 and became part of the Project Zero research …show more content…
Intelligence includes the ability to verbalize and express our thoughts in intelligible ways. We can do this by using words and numbers, we can also visualize, and we can think in sound and movement. Intelligence also can engage successfully with the practical challenges of the living world. There are eight multiple intelligences linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, bodily kinesthetic, visual-spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic these explain the many ways people can learn. Learning styles refers to personality characteristics that are evident in the process of learning.
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Linguistic intelligence is the appreciation of language, ability to learn new languages. Those high in intelligence may be good story tellers or good persuaders, writers, poets, politicians and lawyers are likely to have a high linguistic intelligence. They can learn from listening to speeches or reading books. (Butler-Bowdon, The literature of possibility, 2013)
Logical-Mathematical is the ability to detect patterns, reason and think logically along with linguistic intelligence is what IQ test mainly measure. Linguistic is often associated with scientists, researchers, mathematicians, accountants and engineers. This may be referred to as left brain