Brett 3 4 2 3
Terri 5 2 0 1
George 0 5 4 0
Ondine 2 0 2 0
The table shows how many times each person rode each ride.
1.1x4 matrices to show how many times each person rode each ride
a. Brett:
(a11) 3 (a12) 4 (a13) 2 (a14 )3
b. Terri
(b11) 5 (b12) 2 (b13) 0 (b14) 1
c. George
(c11) 0 (c12) 5 (c13) 4 (c14) 0
d. Ondine
(d11) 2 (d12) 0 (d13) 2 (d14) 0
2. Matrix b+t+g+o
(a11)10 (a12)11 (a13)8 (a14)4
You get the 10 from adding a11+b11+c11+d11 together.
You get the 11 from adding a12+b12+c12+d12 together.
You get the 8 from adding a13+b13+c13+d13 together.
You get the 4 from adding a14+b14+c14+d14 together.
Tickets required
Roller coaster 5
Bumper cars 3
Ferris wheel 2
Fun house 1
This table shows the amount of tickets needed to ride each ride.
3. A 4x4 matrix that shows the number of times that each person rode each attraction. This matrix is called X. 3 4 2 3
5 2 0 1
0 5 4 0
2 0 2 0
4. This is a 4x1 matrix that shows the number of tickets required to ride each ride. This matrix is called R. 5 3 2 1
5. Why is it possible to find XR? Because the dimensions of X= 4x4 and the dimensions of R= 4x1 and if you put the dimensions next to each other you get: 4x4 4x1, so the inside numbers are the same which means you can multiply the two matrices. The dimensions of your answer will be the two outside numbers so a 4x1 should be your final answers dimension. 6. Find XR
3 4 2 3 5 34
5 2 0 1 X 3 = 32
0 5 4 0 2 23
2 0 2 0 1 14 7. For the matrix XR, explain the meaning of each of the matrix entries, if they exist. a. a11= 34 b. a21= 32 c. a22= does not exist 8. Each ticket cost $2.oo. Show how to use scalar multiplication to write a matrix showing how much each person spent on tickets. 34