I had never considered developing an assessment from using a proposition. In math, we usually have computation test items that use multiple choice answers. There is also at least one constructed response question. Developing a test questions for a math proposition proved to be difficult because in my opinion, math is a straight forward subject. After thinking, and rethinking my proposition, I came up with the following: If multiplication is repeated addition and can be illustrated by using an array, I can add 4 together 6 times and also draw 4 rows of six to find the answer to 4 x 6. The test items developed are below.
1. True true/false: 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 is the same as
2. False true/false: Repeated addition is the only way to find the answer to 4 x 6.
3. Short answer/Fill in the blank: Multiplication can be shown as _______________ ___________________ or by drawing a(n) __________________.
4. 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = ? a. 12 b. 24 c. 42 d. answer not given
5. Explain how multiplication is related to repeated and how it can be illustrated using arrays. Dr. Stiggins method for developing paper-and-pencil assessments can help the teacher to ensure that the learning targets are being met. Dr. Stiggins suggested that the teacher create at least 2 questions a week that address the learning goals. By using this suggestions, the teacher eases her work load and can developed questions that help to give a clear picture of the students’ understanding. By providing student a study guide and the learning expectations before teaching the unit, students will know what the expected learning goal consists of. Students will also know what they should focus on. Its like reading the test questions before reading a passage, you are familiar with what you are looking for, and the answers are more likely to “jump” out at you.
Guskey, T. R. (2003). How classroom assessments improve learning. Educational Leadership, 60(5), 6–11.
Stiggins, R. J. (2005). Student-involved assessment for learning (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.
Tileston, D. W. (2004). What every teacher should know about student assessment. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Walden University M.S. in Education Program
Formative Evaluative Criteria for Applications and Reflective Essays
It is expected that all applications and reflective essays will be submitted according to the assignment due dates indicated. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the faculty member if contacted by the student prior to the due date describing extenuating circumstances. Quality of Work SubmittedWork reflects graduate-level critical, analytical thinking. | A: Exemplary WorkA = 4.00; A- = 3.75All of the previous, in addition to the following: | B: Graduate Level WorkB+ = 3.50; B = 3.00; B- = 2.75All of the previous, in addition to the following: | C: Minimal WorkC+ = 2.50; C = 2.00; C- = 1.75 | F: Work Submitted but UnacceptableF = 1.00 | Adherence to Assignment ExpectationsThe extent to which work meets the assigned criteria. | Assignment exceeds expectations, integrating additional material and/or information.Assignment demonstrates exceptional breadth and depth. | All parts of the assignment are completed, with fully developed topics.The work is presented in a thorough and detailed manner.Assignment demonstrates appropriate breadth and depth. | Most parts of assignment are completed. Topics are not fully developed.Assignment demonstrates minimal depth and breadth. | Does not fulfill the expectations of the assignment. Key components are not included.Assignment lacks breadth and depth. | Assimilation and Synthesis of IdeasThe extent to which the work reflects the student’s ability to- 1. Understand the assignment’s purpose; 2. Understand and analyze material in videos, readings, and discussions; 3. Apply presented strategies**May include, but are not limited to, scholarly articles, collegial discussions; information from conferences, in service, faculty development, and/or meetings. . | Demonstrates the ability intellectually to explore and/or implement key instructional concepts. Demonstrates exceptional inclusion of major points, using creditable sources**, in addition to course videos or required readings. Demonstrates insightful reflection and/or critical thinking. | Demonstrates a clear understanding of the assignment’s purpose. Includes specific information from course videos or required readings to support major points.Provides careful consideration of key instructional concepts. | Shows some degree of understanding of the assignment’s purpose.Generally applies theories, concepts, and/or strategies correctly, with ideas unclear and/or underdevelopedMinimally includes specific information from course videos or required readings. | Shows a lack of understanding of the assignment’s purpose. Does not apply theories, concepts, and/or strategies Does not include specific information from course videos or required readings. | Written Expression and FormattingThe extent to which scholarly, critical, analytical writing is presented in APA format;Standard Edited English ( i.e. correct grammar, mechanics). | Represents scholarly writing in a correct APA format.Work is unified around a central purpose with well-developed ideas, logically organized in paragraph structure with clear transitions. Effective sentence variety; clear, concise, and powerful expression are evident. Work is written in Standard Edited English. No prominent errors interfere with reading. | Work is well organized with correct APA formatting throughout.Ideas are clearly and concisely expressed. Elements of effective communication such as an introduction and conclusion are included. Work is written in Standard Edited English with few, if any, grammatical or mechanical errors | Somewhat represents mature, scholarly, graduate-level writing, with APA generally followed.Ideas are not clearly and concisely expressed.Elements of effective communication such as an introduction and conclusion are not included. Work contains more than a few grammatical, or mechanical errors. | The quality of writing and/or APA formatting are not acceptable for graduate level work.Major points do not reflect appropriate elements of communication. No effort to express ideas clearly and concisely.Work is not written in Standard Edited English. Contains many grammatical or mechanical errors | Final Assignment Grade | A: Exemplary WorkA = 4.00; A- = 3.75 | B: Graduate Level WorkB+ = 3.50; B = 3.00; B- = 2.75 | C: Minimal WorkC+ = 2.50; C = 2.00; C- = 1.75 | F: Work Submitted but UnacceptableF = 1.00 |
Updated 11.6
References: Guskey, T. R. (2003). How classroom assessments improve learning. Educational Leadership, 60(5), 6–11. Stiggins, R. J. (2005). Student-involved assessment for learning (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall. Tileston, D. W. (2004). What every teacher should know about student assessment. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.