What affect does baking soda have on the preservation of hot dogs? Which kind of hot dogs will the baking soda have the most effect?
Review of Literature
What is Mummification?
Mummification is the preservation of body. Both animals and humans were preserved. There were different methods of mummification. Some were frozen, dried, and some were wet. Mummification can happen naturally or it can be done on purpose. Mummies were made on purpose in the Egyptian Era. People and and animals were made into mummies by drying out the bodies, removing moisture from the bodies. This method was used to get rid of the source of decay. They used a salt mixture called natron. Natron is a natural …show more content…
To be a person one would need a shadow, a person’s name is given at birth. It was thought that your names lives on way after you have gone, so one must protect their name. The ka or spirit or soul was created at the same time the body was created. The ka existed in the physical world and after that it stayed in the tomb, because the Egyptians believed the ka had the same needs as a person had in real life; to eat, drink, etc. The Egyptians left offerings of food, drink, and worldly possessions in the tombs for the ka to use. The ba would be the same as someone’s personality. Ba is varies by individual. It begins with a person’s first breath, and leaves at a person’s last breath. The Egyptians believe that the ba moves freely between the underworld and the physical world. The ba also has the ability to take different forms. After a person takes his or her last breath, the akh would join the gods in the underworld being immortal and unchangeable. It is created after death by funerary text and spells, designed to develop an akh. Once this part of the process is completed an individual is assured not to die again, but to become immortal. Death would mean the end of a person’s existence. It was extremely important for a person’s afterlife. Without a physical body there would be no shadow, thus no name, ka, ba, or akh. The mummification process the Egyptians believed, assured them a successful rebirth into the