Throughout The Murder in the Rue Morgue, the unnamed narrator of the story is also the reflection of the reader. Who becomes fascinated by Dupin intellectual ability, in the same way as the reader slowly becomes intrigued with Poe’s mystery. Poe creates the narrator as fill in character or as a means for the reader to imagine himself in the place of the narrator. An example would be like when the narrator recounts that Dupin was able to find more clue and evidence that the police neglected to consider. For example, the witnesses were unable to determine who what had made the voices herd during the murder and if it was male and female. Despite the apartment being unescapable, did the officers consider someone escaping from the windows? As the reader continues the story, Dupin uses his deciphering skills to find the true culprit of the murder was not Le Bon, but an orangutan who fled from his master. This is further supported by the hair found at the crime scene matching that of an orangutan and not a human hair and one of the windows was open. To have escaped from the apartment, it what have taken someone with incredible strength to jump from one building to the next. Thus the narrator becomes intrigued that Dupin was able to deduct that something unhuman can be considered as the murder. Dupin impresses the narrator because he is always one step ahead of the police and at the same time reader as
Throughout The Murder in the Rue Morgue, the unnamed narrator of the story is also the reflection of the reader. Who becomes fascinated by Dupin intellectual ability, in the same way as the reader slowly becomes intrigued with Poe’s mystery. Poe creates the narrator as fill in character or as a means for the reader to imagine himself in the place of the narrator. An example would be like when the narrator recounts that Dupin was able to find more clue and evidence that the police neglected to consider. For example, the witnesses were unable to determine who what had made the voices herd during the murder and if it was male and female. Despite the apartment being unescapable, did the officers consider someone escaping from the windows? As the reader continues the story, Dupin uses his deciphering skills to find the true culprit of the murder was not Le Bon, but an orangutan who fled from his master. This is further supported by the hair found at the crime scene matching that of an orangutan and not a human hair and one of the windows was open. To have escaped from the apartment, it what have taken someone with incredible strength to jump from one building to the next. Thus the narrator becomes intrigued that Dupin was able to deduct that something unhuman can be considered as the murder. Dupin impresses the narrator because he is always one step ahead of the police and at the same time reader as