English 101
Mr. B
17 March 2013
Do you exercise?
Obviously exercise is important and has many benefits. When the word exercise is mentioned, what comes to mind? Some people believe that exercise is more of a health and heart thing. Some believe exercise is more for appearance and the way one looks. While others believe exercise is for psychological reasons. Exercising is important for a lot of things dealing with the body. Most all benefits of exercise are helpful for the body and health. Remember to breathe and have correct form or else the body could get injured. Also, always speak with a doctor before starting or continuing an exercise. Exercising can result in many different effects to the mind and body. From the moment a person starts exercising, the heart begins to exercise also. Exercise can cause noticeable effects on the heart (Sherwood 1). When the heart begins to exercise, the blood begins to pump harder throughout the body. Many people who have diseases such as diabetes and heart disease exercise for this reason, to fight off the disease. Beth Levine, a physician at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, found scientific evidence that explains how exercise can help fend off diabetes (Kresge 1). According to Levine’s study “cells break down cellular junk to get extra energy, thereby cleaning house while you exercise.” When cells get rid of the “trash” in them, they recycle the good parts back to the cell, which causes new energy for the cell. That process is called autophagy. Levine’s research shows that increased autophagy may be the reason as to why exercise can protect against type two diabetes and other metabolic disorders (Kresge 2). During this process, a double membrane forms around the cellular garbage then lysosome, an organelle, fuses with the membrane and its enzymes rush in to break up the unwanted stuff, making raw materials for producing new proteins or energy for the cells. When the blood starts to pump from exercise, it improves blood circulation, which can also increase good HDL cholesterol, and decrease bad LDL cholesterol levels (Sherwood 2). The cause of blood flow increasing causes more oxygen to travel throughout more of the body. All of this can result into a stronger, healthier heart. Another cause for people exercising is because of the "toned" look that the body develops when working out. The physical changes is one of the most noticeable effects on the body, due to loss of body fat and gain of muscle. Someone who is overweight or becoming overweight might exercise to shed off the pounds that are pure body fat. Also, someone who is into fitness might just love the fact that their body is in great shape, and exercise to maintain or gain a certain muscle tone. Exercising the muscles and joints helps the body develop, and keep a healthy weight and body tone. Another reason for working out is to burn calories and the more and more calories that are burned are causing the body to shed of body fat because the fat that is stored in the body burns up as calories burn and gets used to fuel the body for energy. Therefore, the body loses the fat and begins to tone up and shape the muscles. All of this can result in a better, healthier, and a more fit body. Another reason why people may exercise is for the brain and psychological effects. When someone is depressed or has anxiety, they usually do not exercise. Either they are just too lazy, they don’t feel like getting up to do it, or they feel as if they can’t. According to an associate professor at Dartmouth’s Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, David Bucci, exercise has different effects on the brain and memory depending on one’s age. Bucci and his team identified a gene that seems to regulate to what degree exercise provides a beneficial effect and that this could potentially mean that using exercise could be an intervention for mental illness (Rattue 1). To investigate these findings, Bucci started to observe the relation between exercise and memory with one of the most common childhood disorders, attention deficit hyperactive disorder, also known as ADHD. Bucci 's finds reveal that althetes and team players showed a better response and attention than other children that did not play a sport. Also, exercise can reduce other psychological effects. When a person exercises the body releases a chemical called “endorphins,” which is a chemical that causes the body to feel good. Those chemicals help treat factors of anxiety and depression. Also, exercise can improve one’s body “self-image,” what they see themselves as. Adding to this, it can improve someone’s feelings and relieve stress and tension. Exercising can improve health, the way a person feels, thinks, and they way they look. Also, exercise is crucial to get and keep strong bones and muscles. It plays an important role in the overall physical health and wellness. However, the intensity levels of the different exercises can vary on the overall fitness level and the goals varying from different people. For example, if two people did the same exercise, the person who is 230 lbs. will go a lot slower than the person who is 140 lbs. Exercise can improve your overall health a lot. Exercising can result in many different effects to the mind and body.
Works Cited
Kresge, Nicole. "HHMI Bulletin May 2012: Reduce and Recycle." HHMI Bulletin May 2012: Reduce and Recycle. HHMI, 12 May 2012. Web. 20 Mar. 2013.
Rattue, Petra. "Exercise Affects The Brain." Medical News Today. MediLexicon International, 23 May 2012. Web. 20 Mar. 2013.
Sherwood, Chris. "Causes and Effects of Exercise." LIVESTRONG.COM. Livestrong, 14 June 2011. Web. 16 Mar. 2013.
Cited: Kresge, Nicole. "HHMI Bulletin May 2012: Reduce and Recycle." HHMI Bulletin May 2012: Reduce and Recycle. HHMI, 12 May 2012. Web. 20 Mar. 2013. Rattue, Petra. "Exercise Affects The Brain." Medical News Today. MediLexicon International, 23 May 2012. Web. 20 Mar. 2013. Sherwood, Chris. "Causes and Effects of Exercise." LIVESTRONG.COM. Livestrong, 14 June 2011. Web. 16 Mar. 2013.
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