which exposes the binding sites of tropomyosin causing the formation of cross bridges. The cross bridges are responsible for the sliding mechanism between the thick and thin filaments. The cross bridge phase repeats from movement to release. The last phase of muscle contraction, the muscle returns to resting. ACh release is stopped and the remaining ACh is inactivated. ATPase forces calcium ions back to the sarcoplasmic reticulum and the binding sites on the thin actin filaments are covered back up with tropomyosin. Because of the calcium ions being absence, troponin returns to cover the binding sites on tropomyosin. Then the cross bridges breakaway and the contraction stops.
which exposes the binding sites of tropomyosin causing the formation of cross bridges. The cross bridges are responsible for the sliding mechanism between the thick and thin filaments. The cross bridge phase repeats from movement to release. The last phase of muscle contraction, the muscle returns to resting. ACh release is stopped and the remaining ACh is inactivated. ATPase forces calcium ions back to the sarcoplasmic reticulum and the binding sites on the thin actin filaments are covered back up with tropomyosin. Because of the calcium ions being absence, troponin returns to cover the binding sites on tropomyosin. Then the cross bridges breakaway and the contraction stops.