Many people feel that dance isn’t a sport, but a researcher named Doreste Blanco, compared dancers to other athletes. They gave 50 people, mostly women, a physical exam that. These dancers placed at a medium to low level of endurance compared to other athletes. …show more content…
They are postural synergy which is automatic and unconscious muscle activity. Then there is voluntary synergy which is the opposite, intentional activity. The researchers found out that dancers altered voluntary synergies involved in the performance of a selected dance movement. The conclusion of this study was stated that the coordination between unconscious postural and active voluntary synergies is an integral part of performance capabilities. As a dancer who has done many performances and shows throughout my 16 years of dance, if I hear a song that I have preformed to, I can do the dance. This is because of postural synergy. My body remembers the dance from many years ago, and it can still do the dance because I practiced the dance many times. Many dance teachers call this ‘muscle memory’.
Scoliosis is a very common back problem that happens in dancers. Two researchers traveled the world and reviewed rotational patterns of the vertebra in the curves in scoliosis. A specialist created an Asymmetry Corrector machine which allows the dancer to work the lumbar and thoracic spines independently. This machine helped many dancers with scoliosis and the specialist even stated that the machine could be useful for people with scoliosis who do not dance. I have a slight case of scoliosis and I never thought it could be from