Musculoskeletal Disorders
1. An x-ray examination of the thoracic spine reveals osteopenic changes at T7. What does this mean?
Osteopenia means that the bone is thinning which could lead to fractures. Bone thinning leads to osteoporosis. Decreased bone density occurs as people age. BMD determines bone strength and it peaks around 25-30 years of age. After these peak years, bone breabsorption exceeds bone building which causes a decrease in bone density.
Ignatavicius, D., D. & Workman, M., L. (2013).
2. The physician suspects osteoporosis. List seven risk factors associated with osteoporosis.
Cigarette smoking
Lack of exercise
Low calcium intake
Low weight and BMI
Alcohol and caffeine consumption
Ignatavicius, D., D. & Workman, M., L. (2013).
3. Place a star next to those risk factors specific to M.S.
4. What tests could be done to determine whether M.S. has osteoporosis? Which tests is recommended and why?
N-teleopeptide (NTX) and C-teleopeptide (CTX) are proteins released when bone is broken down. Increases levels of these markers indicate a risk for osteoporosis. A peripheral DXA scan assesses BMD of the heel, forearm, or finger. The Quantitative computed tomography (QCT) can also mearsue bone density and the peripheral quantitative ultrasound (pQUS) detects osteoporosis and it can predict risk for hip fracture. The most commonly used screening for measuring BMD is the dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA). This tool is the best one for a definite diagnosis of osteoporosis. With this test the patient can stay dressed, which would be more comforting for the patient since she has not been to the doctor is eleven years. The patient will have to remove any metallic objects such as belt buckles, coins, keys, or jewelry because these objects may interfere with the test.
Ignatavicius, D., D. & Workman, M., L. (2013).
5. M.S’s DEXA scan revealed a bone density of -2.6 SD. What does this mean?
Cited: Ignatavicius, D., D. & Workman, M., L. (2013). Medical surgical nursing; patient centered collaborative care. (7th ed). St. Louis, Elsevier.