I'm going to tell about one of the oldest museum in Kazakhstan. West Kazakhstan Regional History Museum was founded in 1832.
In his organization were directly involved well-known scholars of the time Karelin and Berg. Now the museum is located in the historical and architectural building built in 1879 in the eastern style of Russian-Kazakh school.
The museum has its own branches: House-Museum of Hero of the Soviet Union Mametova, House Museum of E. Pugacheva, The House-Museum of painter S.Gumarova, Museum of Nature and environmentalists in Uralsk, The museum complex of the famous writer Mikhail Sholokhov in the village of Darinsk, History Museum of S.Datuly.
The museum has a rich fund, which saved 102,917 exhibits. Among them are works of applied art, the armor warriors, horse harnesses, Khan's scepter, a copy of his coat Hanshi Fatima - wife Zhangir Khan, household items of the population Urals.
The museum has rooms archeology, history, medieval gold-Orda period and Yaitsky history of the town, the history of the Little Horde, khanate Bukeyev stories, stories of the Soviet period, the history of art, literature, science and education West Kazakhstan region, the ethnography of the Kazakh people, the history of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan .
West Kazakhstan oblast museum of local history - the repository of many remarkable monuments of culture and art - a unique opportunity for education and training of young generation.
Based on data from case studies that show that in recent years has increased interest in the museum of the school auditorium, museum researchers developed a set of educational programs for students of schools, colleges, high schools, colleges on the history and culture of the