How To Grow Magic Mushrooms
An Easier Method
The Joys Of Mushroom Gardening
The method presented here is recommended for people who have tried another method of growing magic mushrooms and failed. This method is not recommended for first time growers. It is easy and will work very well but the yield will be smaller than using the mushroom grow guides here and here. Both are free and recommended for first time growers.
Even if you decide to use this method, read other grow guides. Make sure you understand what you are doing and how things work before attempting to grow magic mushrooms. This procedure calls for growing magic mushroom from spore prints or syringes on rice.
Most of this information is based on information found in a book entitled mushroom cultivator. I feel the need to mention that I'm giving you this information for informational purposes only. I don't expect you or anyone else to actually undertake any of the techniques I will describe below, if doing so violates the law. I wouldn't give you this information if I thought you might do something illegal.
Before I describe the technique I use, I'd like to say that there are many methods of growing 'shrooms, some more difficult than others, and I am simply presenting the method which has worked well for me.
Using this method, I've never had a dud batch, they've always fruited readily, and I've never poisoned myself or others with contaminated 'shrooms.
I should mention again, however, that the procedure I describe is not one which will give maximum yields of mushrooms but it is easier than most, if not all other growing methods. It does have the advantage that the growing medium itself can be ingested for psychedelic effects (see section on storing and eating magic mushrooms).
Materials Needed To Grow Magic Mushrooms • A pressure cooker, any size, but preferably one with 17 quart liquid capacity (this is the most expensive item, but I consider it a necessity for this