Periodicity: Difference between Baroque and Classical music (In Baroque compositions, the melody always continues and in Classical compositions, the melody will be a set number of measures and will have individual phrases following
Empfindsam Style: “Sensitive Style”; used by CPE Bach in his Keyboard Sonata; in this style, it is almost as if the phrases are one gesture after another (not really connected in any way) the composition is VERY intimate with ornamentations; the melody is fragmented and improvised, very emotional with embellishments everywhere
Alberti Bass: A style of bass accompaniment used in piano sonatas (a style of arpeggiation, keeps the pieces moving) (used in Mozart’s piano sonatas!!)
Opera Buffa: Comical opera, always in Italian, strictly sung
Intermezzo: A type of opera buffa (which has 2 acts) intermeshing with the 3 acts of the opera seria. It will go as follows: Act 1 Opera Buffa, Act 1 Opera Seria, Act 2 Opera Buffa, Act 2 Opera Seria (goes back and forth between 2, but meshes them together; Opera Seria story is usually different)
Opera Seria: Continuation of Baroque Neopolitan opera in terms of subject matter (always in Italian based on Greek Mythology or an ancient Roman story from history) makes use of Patter Arias; these operas were commissioned by aristocrats for weddings, coronations, etc (ANYTHING serious)
Patter Aria: A comical aria with fast pronunciation (Comical words) ALWAYS sung by a bass (in operas, basses were the comical characters and tenors were the heroic ones)
Libretto: Book with all the texts for an opera/oratorio (text was put to music and possibly translated into vernacular)
Opera Comique: Style of musical theater in France with sung text AND spoken