For instance, GetaranJiwa from P.Ramlee can inform to the world about the Malaysia culture message, it can bring others people to know and enhance his music knowledge about Malaysia artists and his songs. This is the function and role for the music community in Malaysia purpose for an entertainment for Malaysian. It can be also represent a new composing music to the Malaysia society. Another example community music such as performing arts with shadow puppet shows are popular, and often show Indian and Malay influences. We can see in various influences for architecture, from individual in Malaysia cultures and from other …show more content…
With increased understanding of the music community in Malaysia, we need to work together and support from the kids, parents, and society. We must get experience and value it in every music community. Educators may further strengthen and support music communities to pursue achieve the goals that music community was create. Through this music community essay, Malaysian will learn what the music community is. They might easy to steps towards a better understanding and utilization of existing support in the music community. Additionally, associations between race or ethnic in socioeconomic class will have the positive view in different races. This relationships that foster success for all the society in families. Through this music community, I hope it can build a better understanding between the music communities and the general Malaysian