Being a part of a musical organization has shown to better improve students overall grades. According to a news article, "playing a musical instrument develops a neurocognitive skill [...] critical for the brain to [...] [focus] on a topic, [memorize] information, [...] and [pay] attention to multiple ideas [...]" ("Music Wires Our "). Scientist conducted this research showing the brain activity a student will experience when playing an instrument. This skill helps the student stay more focus in class, focus in group settings, and respond better on test. In addition, a study conducted by Northwestern University shown "beginning music training as late as high school can improve [teens] brain [response] to sound, sharpens language [...] and [...] academic performance "(Bergland). Playing music in the adolescent years shows correlation in students overall grade increase. With music education as a required class students will have improved their overall focus in the classroom and give the teachers a more respondent…