The Macro Environment
Figure 2. [ 1 ] (Taylor, 2009)
The different types of music that exist are often subject to a lot of discussions and used as ice-breakers when meeting new people. It is hard to find somebody who does not like music at all, but the taste of music is often diverse and broad. This often depends not only on the gender of the people, but also on the age and what kind of music was popular when they were growing up and that they were exposed to a lot. Often, as can be seen in figure 2.1, the music that the different generations like is different. 69% of surveyed people said that they thought there was a major difference of music tastes throughout the generations. As figure 2.2 shows these differences more closely. In the first two categories rock music has almost the same value, whereas the difference of the youngest generation compared to the oldest is clearest concerning rap or hip-hop tastes. 41 % of 16-29 year olds listen to rap music, whereas only 3% of the 50-64 year olds actually listen to it. Taking classical music as an example the complete opposite can be observed. Here, only 11 % of young people listen to it, whereas it is the second highest in he 65+ category. (Taylor, 2009)
Figure 2. [ 2 ] (Taylor, 2009)
This is important for the music industry to know, as there is a change of generations in our society today. While the earth’s population is getting older and older, but not enough children are born, there might be a change in music interests. However, it is not empirically proven that as soon as one gets old, one automatically starts listening to classical or country music. The first category generation in the figure below, will most likely take their music tastes with them and the generation after that will probably have different tastes.
In the Netherlands, the law allows downloading. People can copy a CD, DVD etc., but that’s only for personal use. Watching a