The first historical samples of music use as an art come from Homeric epics (8th century b.C.). In Ancient Greece music was one of the main subjects that were taught in schools and teachers gave priority to it. Also at Middle Ages in Europe posses a major role in education based on the Ancient Greek pattern. Music education, based on theoritical knowledge, was transfered through monesteries and churches. During the 17th and 18th century music knowledge became a characteristic of only well-educated people. Russo claimed that music was a way of communicating with each other. The movements that have passed throughout the years have influenced music in many ways. Generally it has been observed that music changes a lot as the decades go by and different types are created while other ones go out of style.
All about Jazz
“Jazz is a good barometer of freedom…” that’s what Duke Ellington said in a filmed interview for a documentary, but jazz is much more. It is the story of two world wars and a devastating depression, the sound track that helped Americans get through the worst of times. Jazz is about sex, the way men and women talk to each other and conduct the complicated rituals of courtship, a sophisticated and elegant mating call that has all but disappeared from popular music in recent times. It is about drugs and the terrible cost of addiction and the high price of creativity. It is about the growth and explosion of radio and the soul of great