Music Tourism in Singapore
Submitted By:Namha Malhotra MGB12CMM081 Neha Ahuja MGB12CMM084
Mentor :Ms. Irina Pismennaya
Field Research Project
Factors affecting Music Tourism
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement of Masters in Global Business (MGB) Marketing Management Specialization
Submitted by: Neha Ahuja (MGB12CMM084) Namha Malhotra (MGB12CMM081)
Mentored by: Ms. Irina Pismennaya
We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude and appreciation to the people who made it possible for the successful completion of this research project. We would like to thank our mentor Professor Irina Pismennaya for her support and help. Without her valuable insights, guidance and encouragement, this project could not have been even materialized. We would like to extend our special thanks to Professor Veena Jadhav, for setting the guidelines early on and giving us directions to start and progress the report. Lastly, we would like to thank all the interviewees’, spread across Singapore, for taking out their time to share views and perceptive for this project.
Yours Sincerely: Namha Malhotra MGB12CMM081 Neha Ahuja MGB12CMM084
We hereby declare that the matter included in this FRP report entitled “Music Tourism in Singapore”, is the result of study and interviews carried out by us. We further declare that this is our original work and has not been published anywhere before. This Project Work has been carried out for the sole purpose of submission in partial fulfilment of Semester one of Master of Global Business (MGB) at S P Jain School of Global Management, Singapore. The above is true to the best of our knowledge and understanding. We have read, understood and signed
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