I was beyond crushed there was so many emotions in such a short time. My family and I would be moving to Ohio in August. Won’t take nothing but a memory From the house that built me
As the school year went on I didn’t have the courage to tell my friends I was going to move. I was in denial that this was happening. Thinking about it just made it worse and eventually I told my friends that I knew since I was in kindergarten it was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever had to do. They were sad to hear that I was leaving but happy I was only going three hours away. August finally came and it was time to load 13 years of my life into a semi truck. All of my belongings smushed and in boxes, it hit me at that moment that this was the last day in my home. You leave home, you move on and you do the best you can We made it to Ohio and got to our new home. It was a big change for me. There was no beautiful crystal clear lake that I was used to, but there was the shoe which I thought was out of this world. I quickly started to like and embrace the changes that happened to me over that summer. I grew to really like UA. I started at my new school which was great everyone was surprisingly friendly to me and I felt happy there. The sadness never went away though, I still wished every second I was back in Michigan. One day after