Yet another expample of the difference in setting is the home inwhich tom apperas to live in, In the musical, the home is very small, and has a key roll in the entire sene. …show more content…
If you see something, you dont imagine what it would look like becaue it is right infront of you, in a play, they have to make props seem real becaue your imagineation dosn't do much. Evidence of this change in props is evicendent due to the apple, and the paint brushed. In both story adn the play, an apple in involved, but in the story, the core to an apple is offered in extange for being able to paint the fence, while in the play, an entire apple is offered. Simerally, in the story, there is one paint brush that each of the kids take turns using to paint the board fance, but due to time reztrictions, there are many brushed used in the play, so all of the actios who help tom paint the fence, are working so no time is