Muslim proselytisers in Malabar: It is a disputed point when Islam originated in Kerala. The conflict of opinions revolves around the emigration of Cheraman Perumal, a Kerala ruler who is believed to be the first native Muslim in the region, to Arabia, and on the period of the arrival of first missionary group under the leadership of Malik bin Dinar. The different versions of the period of Islamic origin and the Perumals conversion in Kerala briefly conclude below. * During A.D 622-632 (In the time of Prophet’s mission at Madeena) * During the Second Period of Islam or at the time of Pious Caliphates. * During Eight and Ninth century. * Between the 10th and 12th century
How Arab influence on Kerala? * Attitude and Dissemination of the Arab merchants, and proficient Sufis from the Arab world. * The sustenance and patronage of native rulers and hospitality of its folks to the Arab settlers. * Socio-Religious stratification and persecution among the dwellers of
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