Mutual Aid refers to people helping one another think things through. The mutual-aid model of social work with groups is based on the belief we work with groups precisely because of their potential for mutual aid. Helping people engage in mutual aid is no simple matter, however. In its utilization of group process as the primary means for helping and so direct contrast to the “individual work in a group” style that overwhelms much of practice today, mutual aid work is truly group work (Steinberg, 2014). Not only are the individual members our clients but also the group as a system is our second client (Shulman, 2011). Mutual aid needs a democratic humanistic culture (Glassman 2009), an environment …show more content…
To help group transform, through interaction with God’s word and one another, with the hope that lives of group members will be changed. Specifically, hoping that members, through scriptures, are drawn more intimately to the Lord, where members can most fully receive the gift of God’s grace in each of their lives. The group dynamics are friendly mutual-aid process. ACG greets each other with hugs, kisses, and smiles. In addition to being a process, each member is comfortable with one another displays, shares common feelings, needs, and concern. The mutual-aid climate is good in spirit and even-tempered. ACG has respect for each other, appreciates one another, and values each other’s opinions. By establishing a norm of speaking when there is something to say regarding the lesson at hand, ACG exercise the free floating mutual aid communication style, this pattern permits members to interact directly with one another ad to contribute to groups discussion (Middleman and Wood, 1996). As a learning group consisting of specific concrete questions concerning the bible each member, contribute to the common pool of knowledge. The facilitator also contributes data (Shulman …show more content…
The student leader became upset with Minister F. ACG Leader sees the Minister as the Monopolist who began to test her power. Minister F talks over the leader and proceeds to take over the group. At this time, the leader scans the room she noticed members frustration as they whispered among themselves, move around in their seats and displaying upsetting facial expressions. Leader could tell members are confused and concerned about the Minister’s comments. The group was torn between agreeing with Leader, Minister F, and most of all the word of God. Leader took in consideration Minister F age compared to her she is just a babe in Christ. Leader began to second-guess her compentence of the word of God. As the members look to her and her response, her esteem quivered to nothing. Finally, she just said Minister F you perceive the scripture as you do and we as a group perceives it as we choose to perceive