Book One
Quote, Page #
What does the quote mean?
What does it reveal about the character?
What does the quote indicate about the setting and/or other characters in the novel?
" You got many Shimerdas no got" (pg.57)
The Burdens have a lot of more things than the Shimerdas.
Mrs.Shimerda seems like a person who is very envious over other people's stuff
It shows that the Shimerdas are also envious of what other have. Not just Mrs.Shimerda.
"I hope that snooping old woman wouldn't come see us any more" (pg.58)
Jim doesn't want Mrs.Shimerda to go over their house anymore.
Jim is judgmental over other people and notices things very easily.
Mrs.Shimerda likes to snoop around.
"I've got a good nose for directions, and I never did need much sleep." (Pg.63)
That Fuchs is very good with direction and travels all night.
That Fuchs is very determined to get somewhere fast.
It shows that the setting is isolated from other cites beachside they have to travel a lot to get from one place to the next.
"I felt a considerable extension of power and authority and was anxious to acquit myself creditably."(pg.63)
Jim felt in power when he was left home alone.
That Jim feels a different way when he's just by himself then when other people are home.
Grandmother probably doesn't leave Jim alone a lot.
"So I feel very bad for my kawntree-man to die without the Sacrament, and to die in a bad way for his soul, and I feel sad for his family" (pg.67)
Mr.Shimerda died in a frowned upon way therefore they can't burry him a religious way.
That Anton Jelinek understood Bohemian religion very well.
The Shimerdas are very religious people and because of the death of Mr.Shimerda they can't have the ceremony that they want.
"I knew he had broken the saw and then hid it and lied about it. I began to wish I had not stayed for supper" (pg.77)
Jim knew Ambrosch broke the saw his grandfather lent him. He didn't feel comfortable staying for dinner knowing