I used many different counseling techniques that we discussed in class to really be affective to my client. First, I made sure that I created a trust and built rapport to make sure I fully understood the patient and that he could …show more content…
also rely on me. I made sure that I gave my client the best information that could be understood by him. Second, I made myself fully aware of my communication skills throughout the weekly sessions. I made sure I listened to what he was saying and I repeated what he said so he knew I understood what he was saying. When I responded to him, I made sure that I was being empathetic by trying to see where he was coming from and not judging him. I really made sure that my tone throughout the whole sessions were not showing that I thought I was better than him, but that I understood and sincerely wanted to help.
I really feel that to process was not as good as I had hoped, but I definitely made an impact. It really was hard to me because I was so close the participant. I was trying to not be as controlling about the whole situation and let them freely make choices on their own. However, by the end of the six weeks, I really think that I was able to show that eating healthy doesn’t always necessarily mean that the food can not be good. Also, that eating healthy can be enjoyable, but definitely need to plan a lot more, which I think was realized by the end and in the middle of the project.
I learned that helping someone change their behavior is not as always easy as it seems.
Many times during the process, it really felt that I had a weight on me because to me it was easy to change these certain behaviors due to the fact that I already eat healthy. However, it showed me that I have to use different motivation techniques to try and make them want to change. I could do many different kinds of things, but ultimately it is their decision to make the change because I am not always with them. I really learned the importance of motivation and helping someone understand that little steps at a time will eventually be life