The name of my best game is football; football was brought to Nigeria by the colonial masters in the early 19th century the British sailors made stopover in Nigeria and played it as a recreational game.
Some basic skills in football are:
1. Kicking
2. Passing
3. Dribbling
4. Keeping
5. Goal
6. Heading
7. Trapping.
Football is played by two teams of eleven[11] players on each side on a rectangular field in which players attempt to knock a round ball through the opponents goal, using any part of the body except the hand the goal keeper is the only one allowed to touch the ball with his hands.
The game is played for duration of 90mins, comprising of two half’s of 45mins with break period of 15mins known as half time. Only three substitutes are allowed on each team in standard match.
The federation of international football association [FIFA] was formed in 1904 in Zurich Switzerland .the Nigerian football federation [NFF] was formed in1945 to organise and regulate the game in Nigeria.
Some official in football;
The centre referee
The two assistant
The match commissioner
The reserve referee
The fourth official
Facilities and equipments;
1. The side line=120m[max]
2. Goal line=90m[max]
3. Goal area=5.5m x18.32m
4. Penalty area=16.5m x40.32m
5. Centre circle radius=9.15m
6. Penalty spot to goal line=11m
7. Height=2.44m
8. Length of cross bar=7.32m
9. Corner area=1m
10. Conner flag=1.5m
1. The pitch/field
2. The goal post
3. The flod light etc
1. The net
2. The ball
3. The jerseys
4. The shirts
5. The boots
6. The goal keepers gloves
7. The stop watch
8. The whistle
9. The flags
10. The chin guard
11. The refries card.