I am Swapnili Jadhao, student with UTD under Systems Engineering and Management. I am a simple, happy and passionate person. I like my work and life. I enjoy working with people and facing new challenges at work. The exercise of Reflected Best Self helped me to know views of people for me. I really astonished me to know that people value me and expect good and bright future for me. I had asked for the views from around 15 people and 13 of them were really kind enough to help me understand myself better, by mailing me their views and opinions of me. I enjoyed working on RBSE as it made me aware of few facts about myself, of which I was unaware. I feel lucky to be introduced to such an easy and effective method of knowing oneself better with the help of your colleagues, friends, family and employees.
My First Best Self Portrait:
I feel I was at my best helping my organization to implement the Quality Management Systems, which is the need of the time. The organization had been doing really well all these years but we were lacking in the competition, due to the overheads. Our organization was open to new concepts and ideologies, and I presented the concept of QMS which involved rigorous motivation, enthusiasm, team work and hard work. I lead the implementation and was completely satisfied with my work.
I am a good decision maker and have helped my organization by taking proper decisions at proper time. I am considerate and helpful towards people, I like loving people and being loved by them.
Story Author My Positive Attributes Declaration
Boss Result Oriented, Decision Maker, Team Leader I have an ability to accomplish a given task with complete responsibility
Friend Closely Knitted person and values human relations I have many friends whom I can count on and vice versa
Husband Balances married and professional life well, Lively and happy I have a very lively, energetic life with full of