It was William Buttler Yeast who said “education is not the filling of a bucket but the lighting of a fire.” The work of a Christian teacher, lecturer or instructor is not just to fill some brains with learning content but to create a thirst for knowledge and a passion to live in light of that knowledge.
Jesus speaking to his disciples in John 4 vs 35 said “do you not say, ‘four months more and then the harvest?’ I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” It seems the disciples at this time were becoming complascent about the task of soul harvesting. They probably having been saying to Jesus ‘dont worry, the harvest is still far. Give us four months and we would be all out for you’ but Jesus said to them ‘open your eyes! The harvest is ripe!’
You also may have been saying it is not yet time, i am busy now, I still have four months. I will go out for the Lord after my retirement or I am too young or too old. You may even have concluded that you are not called for such a labour. Jesus is saying today, ‘open your eyes, the harvest is ripe and it is just close by.’
Beloved, your classroom is a mission field. Open your eyes and see, the harvest is ripe. Look at the number of students the Lord has put under your watch. If you dont share your faith with them who else should do that. You dont have to wait for retirement God has put you in that class for such a time like this, so you can influence someone for the Kingdom
Educators always ask, is it proffesional to use the classroom as a platform to preach Jesus? But I ask, is it professional for a Kingdom ambassador like you to watch while souls in your classroom slip away into hell? The right question should be, how can i share my faith in the classroom and still maintain highest professionalism?
Jesus was a master teacher. He taught twelve disciples who went on to light many nations of the world. I dont always have to create sessions in my class