At the start of my shift one of the clients we will call him Graeme, I have use a different name due to data protection act 1998 and confidentiality of service users, was complaining of a sore ankle he said it was throbbing and had been sore all day. I asked him if he wouldn’t mind showing me were it was sore, he said that was fine so I suggested we went into the quiet room the reason I done this was to ensure Graeme’s privacy and to ensure that he was happy for me to look at his ankle this falls in line with the codes of conduct set out by the Nursing and Midwifery Council the professional body that regulates Nursing and who we have to register with when qualified.…
In this holistic approach to competence I have been taught to utilise reflection as a basis of developing my professional judgement, using Kolb's (1983) experiential learning cycle. Reflection in my course has been a way to empower me to become fully cognisant of my knowledge and actions to sustain myself in practice, nursing experiences, personal and professional development (Street, 1991).from image to action reflection in nursing practice. Deakin University Press Geelong). The portfolio approach has integrated well with me as an adult learner.…
Reflective practice is something we all carry out every single day, probably without even realising it. We use reflection in many different situations and under many different circumstances, as a way of improving our own skills and abilities for different things, as individuals. Cowan proposed that learners are reflecting in an educational way, “When they analyse or evaluate one or more personal experiences, and attempt to generalise from that thinking” (1999: 18). Reflective practice allows us to look at something we have carried out and allows us to see whether or not we handled the situation properly or whether we would handle it differently if we were giving the opportunity to do it again. By doing this reflecting enables you to see how you have improved in certain areas and pinpoint areas which may need some improvement. It’s basically a way of seeing what you have learnt and perhaps shedding light on what could be done in the future. Moon’s theory runs parallel to this as he says that reflective practice is “a set of abilities and skills, to indicate the taking of a critical stance, an orientation to problem solving or state of mind” (1999:63). Suggesting that reflective practice is directly linked with the thinking you do surrounding something you…
Over the past couple of weeks I have been reflecting on a clinical skill where I was the nurse who had to assit a patient who was unable to feed herself. By reflecting on my experiences I became aware of my feelings, communication, and observations which was not in the forefront of my awareness during my recording. The following paper I am going to evaluate how the skill was preformed so it can be improved for future practise. I have choosen to use Gibbs (1998) model of reflection as cited by Mc Cabe & Timmons (2006).…
For my finial reflection I have decided to reflect on the reflective practice itself and my abilities to practice reflection, as it appears I am having some issues with the process. After receiving an A- on my last reflection, I spoke with my Faculty Advisor (FA) with the intention of discovering why I was not achieving marks in the A+ range on my reflections, and what I need to work on to improve on the quality of my reflections. Her feedback was that I was too broad in my approach; I spend too much time discussing the event and did not go into enough depth in my reflective analysis. I hope and anticipate that this reflection will be better; as I hope to demonstrate a deeper analysis of the issue and techniques I can use to improve my skills.…
The community I grew up in deep in the heart of Austin, Texas celebrated my heritage, honored differences in culture, and fostered personal growth and self-discovery. My parents, with the strong work ethic they developed on their family’s farms in Ghana, encouraged my brother and me to work hard and find ways to use my skills to be of service to others. My experiences engaging with the communities that I have lived inspire me to become a physician dedicated to finding the most effective ways to communicate with my patients and improve their health outcomes in different types of environments. I first worked in health care locally during the summer after my sophomore year of college when I volunteered at the People’s Community Clinic. It was there that I got my first look at direct health interventions through making health education materials in the…
I was very fortunate to get hands-on clinical experience here in Internal Medicine and Cardiology for four weeks. Apart from history taking with examination in both outpatient and inpatient settings with the case presentation in morning rounds and regular daily follow-up of patients, I had the chance to observe sleep studies in detail, how we practically look for any abnormality in each stage of sleep really fascinated me. Most exciting part of this rotation was getting familiarized with electronic medical records, which took me some time to adjust, but I was quite comfortable in it by the end of my second week here. Owing to my interest in Cardiology I gave a presentation on valvular heart diseases and words of encouragement and praise really…
I will discuss a clinical skill that I have been practicing by using a reflective model. Reflection is defined as being ‘an active process of witnessing one’s own experience in order to take a closer look and explore it in depth’ (Johns, C. 2005). The Nursing and Midwifery Council believe that all students should undertake the art of reflection as part of their training, in order to become a competent nurse, (NMC, 2010).…
The aim of this assignment is to review a reflective account of events that occurred during a clinical placement, whilst on operational practice in an out of hospital environment. This incident involved a physical assault on a young woman.…
With this I chose a game from the LSIS workshop that will help me as well to feel more confident in that area again. I also wanted to challenge my learners a different way than just questioning so I introduced a fun muscle game. I first found a great facial muscle diagram ( Anatomy 2012) that I always think is a great way to see where the muscles are, seen on Appendix 1. The students do not get taught theory in my lessons however now I am teaching massage I wanted to bring in a game that will help their theory side but also how they perform there practical. I put my learners in to groups of three, they had a list of ten facial muscles, post -it notes and a pen. This was a race to write the muscles down on the post -it notes then stick them on the chosen person of where the muscles are on the face. They had ten minutes to complete the task, once their group had finished they had to put their hand up. When all the groups were finished I put a diagram up on the whiteboard and as a class and the groups we worked out the winner of who got them all right, then who got them all right and was the…
This journal reflects my first clinical experience at the Wascana Rehabilitation Centre. The experience has made me re-examine and analyze a lot about my path towards reaching my goal and becoming an RN. I felt that being able to touch and feel the working environment is extremely important for a future nurse and indeed for any health care provider. Real life experience is so important in learning.…
“Reflective practice is a process by which you: stop and think about your practice, consciously analyse your decision making and draw on theory and relate it to what you do in practice.” (, 2014). Reflective practice allows us to evaluate how we provide care and to learn from both good and bad outcomes. It is important to be open, honest and critical when reflecting on our work. A diary may be utilised to help you reflect by yourself or you may find it beneficial to work with a colleague working through the findings together, (group supervision).…
Growing up with a parent in the medical profession, I have seen at first-hand the diverse life of a doctor with its challenges and demands. Medicine is a career constantly changing and developing; as a course I will continue to utilise all I learn. My juvenile arthritis shows me the human body is complex and problems can so easily arise. A condition affects not only the patient, but the family and I can appreciate how rewarding being a doctor, with the capacity to help those in need, would be.…
The Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle has been chosen as a framework for reflecting on my chosen clinical skills as it is simple, clear, precise and incorporates all the core skills of reflection appropriate for first placement . Debatably, the Gibb’s model is concentrated on reflection on action, but with practice it could be used to focus on reflection in and before action; allowing for description, analysis and evaluation of the experience to help practitioners or student nurse in my case to make meaning of experiences and scrutinise best practice. The model enables the practitioner to gain instant insights into areas that I have they been ignorant and made valuable judgement or conclusions to formulate viable action plans for future practice development.…
This essay will discuss a clinical experience in which I feel more competent in practicing. I will use a reflective model to discuss how I have achieved the necessary level of competence in my nurse training programme.The reflective model I have chosen to use is Gibbs model (Gibbs 1988). Gibbs model of reflection incorporates the following: description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and an action plan (Gibbs 1988). The model will help facilitate critical thought process as it relates theory to practice. Discussion will include the knowledge underpinning practice and the evidence base for the clinical skill. A conclusion to the essay will then be given which will discuss my reflection skills, acknowledge my competence and show my personal and professional development.…